Support for our community's schools

Ravenshead Church of England Primary School  £350
Ravenshead Abbey Gates Primary School £350
Blidworth Oaks and Rainworth Heathlands Primary Schools £500
Rainworth Lakeside Primary School £340

Each year we aim to provide ongoing support to our local schools and this year we have been able to help with some very specific projects that will give long term benefit to the pupils and, in some cases, local community groups.

Ravenshead Church of England Primary School aims to develop further its two acre Woodland with Sensory Walks and a Weather Station.

Ravenshead Abbey Gates Primary School plan to work with KAP* and develop further their Edible Garden Project.

* KAP - Kids Against Plastic aims to help young people to learn about environmental issues such as plastic pollution. Please visit

Blidworth Oaks and Rainworth Heathlands Primary Schools are planning to take a group of their Year 6 pupils to London, in June, for an educational sites visit. This has been an annual feature of their extra curriculum activities but this year the transport funding has been withdrawn and our contribution will go towards paying for the coach.

Rainworth Lakeside Primary School wish to replace two of their old Wigwams with two new and improved ones to be located in their play area. We are really pleased to support this replacement.